When prescription HRT doesn't feel right, what do you do about your menopause symptoms? 

If you've asked this, you're in the right place. You are why we created Hormone Enhancement Therapy™ (HET™), a powerful, natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that empowers your body to produce, manage, and balance horrmones on its own.

Replacing hormones doesn't fix the reason why they're off in the first place.

The transition to menopause should be smooth and symptom-free. But chronic stress, poor diet, hidden infections, and toxins disrupt this natural process, which cause intense symptoms because the body is unable to adapt.


Hot flashes, irritability, and weight gain are common symptoms in perimenopause, but are not normal.

You want to avoid taking prescription hormones (HRT) because:

  • HRT is a band-aid, not a solution: Even 'bio-identical' hormones artificially boosts hormone levels, but don't address the underlying causes of hormone imbalance.

  • Your body is meant to thrive with less hormones: As we age, our ovaries naturally slow down, and this should be sufficient to thrive.

  • There's no exit plan with HRT: Most doctors either recommend staying on HRT forever or give vague advice on when to stop, and you fear the symptoms returning with a vengeance.

  • Hormones naturally decline with age: So restoring them to reproductive levels seems counterintuitive and potentially risky.

  • HRT replaces hormone production: Instead of supporting the body's natural, fluctuating production, increasing risk of dependency.

  • Dosing is a guess. It’s impossible to determine the "right" consistent dose for the body's complex processes. Hormones fluctuate and interact with cells, the liver, and the gut microbiome in ways largely unknown.

  • Individual risk is largely undetermined. Hormone responses vary greatly due to genetics, lifestyle, and overall health. It's difficult to predict how hormone therapy will affect each person or long-term risks.

Hormones are meant to decline as we age, but ...

There's less room for error, so lifestyle imbalances—like stress, poor diet, and toxins—make these lower levels less effective. Historically, aging meant less stress and fewer demands, allowing the body to adapt, but modern pressures overwhelm our system. Instead of replacing hormones artificially, HET™ works to balance them naturally by addressing the root causes of these imbalances, helping your body thrive even with age-appropriate hormone levels.


HET™ - Hormone Enhancement Therapy™ - identifies your unique cause of hormone dysregulation, designs and helps you implement a custom plan, and allows your body to re-balance hormones naturally.


Follow your gut. Because what they don't tell you about hormone replacement can hurt you.

  • Not one-size-fits-all: HRT can increase the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and stroke, especially in women with known or unknown preexisting conditions. Supporters claim the benefits outweigh the risks.

  • Short-term gain, long-term risk: While HRT can temporarily relieve symptoms, risk for breast cancer may increase with prolonged estrogen and progestin therapy. Supporters claim risk can be managed.

  • Hormonal decline is natural: Aging naturally reduces hormone levels. Artificially restoring them with HRT disrupts and stunts the body’s natural, healthy adaptation to menopause. Supporters claim gradual tapering is possible, with doctor supervision to control withdrawal symptoms.

  • HRT ignores root causes: HRT masks symptoms without addressing underlying, often hidden factors which are key drivers of hormonal imbalances. Supporters claim HRT manages symptoms when lifestyle "doesn't".

  • No fixed dose fits: Hormones fluctuate daily, making static HRT dosing either too aggressive, or ineffective. Endocrinologists even acknowledge the difficulty and inability to precisely balance hormones. Supporters claim customization through dose changes and delivery methods.

  • No clear exit strategy: Many women on HRT report difficulty stopping, with no clear plan—similar to the issues seen with long-term birth control use. Supporters claim "working with your doctor" to find the "right" time to stop.

With Hormone Enhancement Therapy™ (HET™), You Could Begin To ...

  • Reduce or eliminate hot flashes

  • Fall asleep and stay asleep more easily

  • Start to drop stubborn body fat

  • Have more stable moods

  • Notice a clearer, more focused mind

  • Have more and consistent energy

  • Get relief from achy joints and muscle pains

  • Improve dry skin and thinning hair

Without prescription hormones. You just need someone who's been there, and can help you get to the core of your hormone imabalance.

Is HET™ Too Good To Be True?

It's Not. Here's Why.

Our comprehensive testing evaluates hormone stealers that normally get ignored.

Physically we look for signs in your gut, blood work, and urine to determine where you struggle, which gives us clues as to why you have menopause symptoms - because frankly, you shouldn't.

  • Gut: Pathogens, bacteria, parasites, and yeast overgrowth can hijack your gut, causing stress that dysregulates hormones.
  • Blood Work: Deficiencies, inflammation, and immune issues can hinder hormone production and processing.
  • Hormones: Excess cortisol and unbalanced estrogens and progesterone can be a driver of menopause symptoms.
  • Hidden physical and emotional stressors "wear out" the adrenals and stress response, affecting hormone production and balance.

Results from these three tests reveal underlying reasons why hormones are imbalanced in the first place. Artificially replacing hormones only masks the symptoms and sets the stage for long term health issues. Instead, enhance them ... with HETtm.

Why HET™ Works

When Nothing Else Has ...

Because It's Guided By Testing

Symptoms are not normal. We find hidden causes in at least one, but often more, of three carefully chosen tests. This information is crucial, yet overlooked by Practitioners and doctors that jump straight to hormone replacement - yet they all contribute to hormonal drain and imbalance:

  • Your gut reveals infection and lining compromise.
  • Key blood markers are out of optimal range.
  • Several hormones are low or unbalanced.
  • Dysregulated stress response has compromised hormone production.

It's actually simple: Find the problem, remove the problem, provide support, and thrive.

Because Its Built to Maximize Hormones

Just "eating healthy" isn't enough - and you've likely tried that. There are specific diet strategies that encourage hormone production by:

  • Reducing inflammation.
  • Supporting the liver.
  • Balancing blood sugar and lowering insulin.
  • Balancing phytoestrogens, polyphenols, and healthy fats.

You need the guesswork taken out of what to eat. We get it.

Because There's Expert Support

With a trained Practitioner, you'll ensure success because:

  • You meet regularly, face-to-face to keep you accountable and on track.
  • Your case is overseen by a team of Practitioners so nothing is missed.
  • You have unlimited messaging between sessions, so you get your questions answered.
  • You have access to simple tutorials, so you're informed and private sessions stay highly productive.

Your Practitioner gets to know you really well, and that's how you'll truly feel supported and experience real results - that's the "Therapy" part of Hormone Enhancement Therapytm.

Because It's Not "Cookie Cutter"

The secret to getting results lies in our ability to know you well, and customize your experience based on your needs:

  • An in-depth, detailed history uncovers hidden issues.
  • Test results confirm, uncover, or initiate a change of course.
  • Face-to-face time provides insight that only comes out in conversation and inquiry.

Your journey with HETtm is unique, and on-going, but with the right support, the "therapy" is simpler than you think.

Because Our Approach is Different

Bothersome peri or menopause symptoms didn't just start 'yesterday'. If you don't do something different, odds are the struggle will continue, or get worse, or set you up for disease. You need:

  • To find what's draining and messing up your hormones, and remove it.
  • To support your body where the struggles take their toll.
  • Simple tools that reset and build resilience with your stress response ...

... for a healthier, more energetic, happier you. When it's 'your time', make sure you have your health so you can actually live out your dreams.

The Three-Step Process

To a healthier, happier, more energetic, and hormonally balanced you.

1. Find What's Draining Your Hormones.

Hidden infections, leaky gut, nutritional deficiencies, metabolic dysfunction, dysregulated stress response - we'll find your unique causes.

2. Implement a Custom Plan to Restore Them.

Your detailed history, test results, and individual symptoms help construct your unique plan to remove causes and restore hormonal balance.

3. Breeze Through Menopause, and Thrive.

Reverse symptoms naturally—without risky meds— look and feel younger, restore vitality, and build the lasting health you need for longevity.

When it's 'your time', make sure you have your health so you can actually live out your dreams.

HETtm Is For You If...

  • You're not satisfied with what mainstream medicine has to offer, especially HRT

  • You know you need help but don't know where to turn

  • You intuitively know there's a natural alternative - but confused by opinions

  • You've wasted enough time and money on dead end "solutions" and feel stuck

  • You dream of a future without annoying hormonal symptoms and menopause woes

  • You want to look and feel at least 10 years younger - and make an impact

Meet the Founders

We're Michelle & Ashley

You want to live your healthiest, best life as you move toward, or through menopause. We know this because it's our goal too! With a combined 30 years of experience, as well as our own individual health journeys around peri-menopause and menopause,countless clients have shown us exactly what works, and we've packaged it into a comprehensive, hormonally-focused program called HETtm that gets results. Period.

"Yay, I don't think it was a full week and I went from probably 10 hot flashes a day to maybe one a week - and a mild one at that!"

- Kimberly W.

"I was so scared to take hormones, even though I knew someone that had some success. I'm thrilled to have made so much progress naturally."

- Caroline P.

"I have avoided medications, but didn't have an answer for menopause. I only wish I would have started with you guys earlier - it's the answer." 

- Beth Anne C.

Three Paths to Hormonal Balance

Individual Track

Hormone Reset

Condensed Basic Program for Nipping Hot Flashes, Sleep Issues, PMS, and Uncomplicated Hormonal Imbalances.

  • Everything in the Basic DIY Program
  • Comprehensive Hormone Test included
  • Three Private 1:1 sessions with an InWella Practitioner
  • Introduction to Hormone Enhancement Therapy™
  • Direct messaging (24/7) with your Practitioner for six weeks
  • Customized plan

Comprehensive HET (tm)

Complete Reset

Hormone Focus, with Gut, Metabolic, & Bonuses

  • Includes the Hormone Reset Individual Track, plus
  • Comprehensive Gut Test included 
  • Comprehensive Hormone Test included with implementation of Hormone Enhancement Therapy™
  • Functional Blood Work panel from Labcorp (or Quest) with colorful PDF included
  • Direct mesaging (24/7) with your Practitioner for TWELVE weeks
  • Access to the Recipe Vault
  • Access to the Foundations Library
  • Customized plan
  • Plan revisions
  • 15% discount on all Practitioner grade supplements
  • Grace period up to two additional weeks

VIP HET (tm)

Complete Restore

Our Most Comprehensive Program

  • Includes the Hormone Reset Individual Track, plus
  • Everything in our Complete Reset (Testing, Recipe Vault, Foundations Library), with:
  • Thirteen 1:1 sessions with an InWella Practitioner (instead of 7)
  • Six months direct messaging with your Practitioner (instead of 12 weeks)
  • Repeat hormone and gut testing to check progress where it's needed most (ask for details!)
  • Multiple plan revisions, as needed
  • 20% discount on all Practitioner grade supplements
  • Grace period up to an additional month

If you feel, for any reason, that the Reset Programs are not a fit, let us know within the first 7-days for a full refund. No questions asked. (The DIY program is non-refundable.)

*July, 2024. Prices and inclusions subject to change without notice.